Simply Chattin

Natural Interactions

Noel Episode 5

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Tune in on this episode as we talk and dive deep into our quirky social interactions with a range of people from friends to random strangers. In a fascinating twist, the episode delves into the evolution of human sports and intellect, adding a touch of thought-provoking humor to the laughter. 

All right, guys, welcome back to Simply Chantin' with your host, Noel. Today we got. Marcus. Ethan. You better not say K. I'm saying K. Why the fuck, no, change your name. I'm sticking with K, all right, fine, J. I call it, I call it, I say K. Change my name, all right, J. My name is J. Hello. Hello, everybody, J. You said J. Hello? No, L, actually. No. J. L. M. He's just gonna go up out there and tell you. Why don't you just say the alphabet, bro? What the fuck is he saying? N-O-P, L-M-N-O-P. My name is L-M-N-O-P, actually. That's what I'm sticking with. I'm sticking with L-M-N-O-P. Y'all can call me L-M-N-O-P. Good luck remembering that. No, it's easy. What are you talking about? No. L-M-N-O-P? Say it. L-M-N-O-P. Okay, there you go. All right, so anyways. You got something right here. That's all right. Don't do that. I don't wanna look at you while you're doing that. Just get it. Nah, I'm not screaming. All right, Ethan. Can we like, is it like a survivor where you can provoke people off the island if they make you uncomfortable? Cause I have a vote. Nah, but I'm an admin though. I own the island. You're an admin? Yeah. You own this island right? This one? I mean, my ancestors lived here for years and you can't just come and kick me off. I'm just feeling like I'm really uncomfortable with eye contact here. I mean, Ethan's really making me. Like I will leave. If even making you freaky. I began to it. My son, L.M.N.O.P. His son. Yo, OK, I it's a term of endearment, bro. I don't think that's true. That's where is it in term of endearment between a father and a son, maybe. I got you. I got you. My brother in Christ, L.M.N.O.P. He came to the table. He just came from the bathroom. He had an interesting story. I want to elaborate on. Oh, it's an interesting story. I mean, it's not that interesting. Now he's never been to before. Like like little baby. Right. So can we know. So now the interesting story I got, I guess I got two. But the first one I wanted to tell you guys personally, but you bullied me to keep it to myself till now. I was in the bathroom recently. And just before this podcast, I decided to make the beautiful mistake of looking in the mirror and realizing how beautiful I was. Like, I mean, I'm so serious. I threw this outfit on accidentally. Like I didn't even try. You do a black on black outfit. I mean, I wasn't even I wasn't even looking at what I was grabbing. And I looked in the mirror, I said, I'm good looking. Like, so you don't check yourself for you. You know, I'm gorgeous. I don't normally have to. I'm pretty sure gorgeous people look at it. I don't have I guess I'm special. OK, but one of a million. I thought you had a lot more to say. Yeah, I did. I was trying to tell you. But you guys, I literally said you did not say you bullied me guys. The way he popped up. It was it was important. It was it was really important. Like when a kid like a little last kid has like a has like a trick to do. So he's like, Yo, mommy, look, and they do. They just turn around and do some. But the thing is, the thing here is it makes a difference. I knew that I felt bad. I was like, man, it's going to be a waste of your time. But for me, I feel good. I mean, I feel good getting off my chest. I mean, we did we just had a chance. So he did say two stories. So yeah. Oh, all right. No, this the second story is more like a question, maybe just to set it up. So I don't know. How do you guys feel like when you guys like see like maybe a homeboy or maybe a coworker that you kind of cool with walking throughout the. I don't know. In a hallway or something like that, or maybe outside of work, let's just say. How do you feel about just saying what's up to them? Do you do you guys go out of your way to say what's up to people? No. I mean, honestly, just depends on the person. Like, yeah, how close I am with them is, you know, like, OK, you like you. Let's just say at work or maybe at the gym, you see him every now and then. Every time you all see each other, you all like you. You've had like more than five or six conversations and you're roasting each other usually like in that day. No, no, like throughout maybe throughout like a month, maybe you're something like that. You see, I just met this nigga. No, you didn't just meet this person. It's more like you you're on this person for a while. You're familiar with this person. You're more than a quick person. I'm gonna be like yo, what's up? Okay, that's fair, that's fair. I guess what I'm getting at, so I got a, so I had an interaction pretty recently actually, where someone whom I'm familiar with, like I see him like pretty much all the time, we've had like a long ass conversation before, and every time I've seen him, we always just roasting each other. So me, thinking that, okay, well, I'm seeing this person outside of our normal place of business, I can just say, what's up with this person? So what do I do? I say, yo, what's up, ugly? Just like, I say, what's up, ugly? I feel like it's a throwaway. We've said worse to each other. I thought you talked about me, but I just said that. I definitely know it's not about me. This is how I'm trying to get to it. I'm trying to tell you something really. No, but like, no, for real. Like, so you said I simply led with, hey, what's up, ugly? You know, said it was through text, by the way, because I had this person's number through text. I said, yo, what's up? I see this person. Now, your story is not adding up. Slow down. Slow down. I see this person through a window. I'm like, oh, OK, I must say, what's up to? on. Are you mean this person in person or are you texting them? Hey, what's up, ugly? I'm texting them. Oh, OK. Is that reasonable so far? Like, I feel like that's good. No, but the way you was telling the stories that you've seen him. No, no, no. No, no. I mean, I mean, I have done that. That's that's I mean, that's but that's how I initiate most of my conversations with a lot of you. Call people ugly. It was a bitch like, you know, it's like depending on like the levels of how close, you know me? Like, I feel like that's reasonable. Because it's not disrespectful if it's like someone that you if you start off ugly, you know, say it's always going to be ugly, you know what I'm saying? But if you start off cool, it's always going to be cool. So no matter what you say in that with that person is always going to be cool for a for a. So are you like just testing the waters with how like you what up? What up like? ugly. Yeah, I raise a level every day. I raise a level. What a coon. I feel like we all do that, though. You know, you guys don't raise yours. You guys don't test the water. I hold you when me and my me and my boys. You know me like I'm disrespectful at times, right? So I need to like all the time. Okay all the time I'm telling my story and they are by then so that's disrespectful Anyway, go ahead Oh, I can't be i'm not i'm not i want to come up as like a disrespectful. Who you're not disrespectful with white people Hey, can I tell you once again? It's like banter at the end of the day so like I want to see if my people can like take it right because the base level, then like, yo, we can't be cool. We can't. Yeah, exactly. No. OK, so you understand. So we're on the same level. Not tomorrow. We're on the same level. So I feel like I feel like being on the same level, then I feel like I'm in the right. So I leave with what's up ugly, not nothing crazy. That's something that's pretty normal between us. Right. I was literally just texting them because maybe it's like a sort of like I don't know, maybe like some sort of masculine, sensitive thing. Like I didn't want to say, like, hey, how are you to another grown man? Now that's true. You know what I'm saying? Like, hey, what's up? Because then they're going to ask me what like, you know, because why? Why else am I texting this man? It depends who you text. Yeah, sure. But like for the most part, I feel like I'm out of line. I'm like, you're hitting up like a bitch. Yeah, exactly. What's up? Like, you know, like, you know, like, you know, like, you know, like, you know, like, you know, like, you know, like, you know, like, you know, like, I was trying to... Imagine hitting up your niggas and be like, yo, what's up? And they go, I just saw you through a window. But that's what you got. Is it male or female? It's a male. It's a full-ass male. So it's bad. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I lit with What's Up Ugly because like, because of that, because I... No, bro. No, for real, like, listen, I feel like... Why you screaming? The... Why you screaming? No, my bad, my bad. No, I feel like the reason why I lit with What's Up Ugly Like I'm not trying to like I'm not I don't want to be with this person. I don't I don't think If you didn't say yeah, we take a lot of time but this is I know I know my bed so when you say What's up ugly? Yeah in my mind being like this the straightest thing I guess So if you didn't say that you felt like that man was gonna come on to you if I didn't So if ugly was not the first thing in the conversation you thought he's gonna come back with it It's a little bit like if you laying in the bed with your homeboy You gotta put a pillow in between y'all. Y'all don't understand? That's a thing. You said, what's up ugly? Yeah, yeah. I saw him through the window. So to put a pillow between us metaphorically. No, no, I'm done with that. I don't wanna hear nothing. You understand. I don't wanna hear nothing about that. You're overthinking it. I'm overthinking it? I just wanna get back to the story. Sometimes you gotta put a pillow in between the situations to make it less known here. Can you put a pin in this thought and go back to the story? Yeah, okay, okay. Yeah, sure. Yes, so what would you say like you said what's up this man through the window? All this man through the window with the intent No, okay, all right. No, here's what really happened. I saw this person through the window I said, hey, I want to say what's up to that guy. So how do I say that in the least homosexual way possible? How do I establish my head? This person knows that I'm a heterosexual male. This person knows. Say it without thinking. You know, I know, I know. But I'm saying this is what's going on. I'm explaining to you what was going on through my mind. Like just like Nick, what happened? All right. I want to know. So here's what happened. This guy responds. I said, what's up, ugly? And he says, yeah, I might be ugly. but I get a lot of bitches and I put dick up in them and I make them go crazy on it up in their guts. I mean, he was going in, this is one message. This is one, I'm not even joking. I said, what's up, ugly? And his response was, yeah, but I put dick up in bitches' neck, like down their throats and in their stomachs. And they go crazy on the dick and you would never understand that. That's what's different between you and me. And I, I kind of stopped there. I think I, like, I thought, I literally I sat there and looked at that message. I said, hmm, maybe it's not a good time Maybe the blocks him right there Maybe not permanently but not yet That was a part of my I still that was like four days ago and I still think about I'm still thinking about it Right now I had to bring it here. You'll be on Facebook. No, I stay off it. I can't If you don't know Mark Zuckerberg be like taking niggas down pause You say the simplest shit. Yeah. And like that is egregious. Yeah. So that paragraph would have got everybody. I think he would have got collateral. I would have been taking out with him. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Everything had to go with that one. But is that a wild response? Everything that just came out your mouth was wild, bro. But y'all understand. So some feedback, seriously. Okay. I always say I started off wrong. But no, it's not that you started off wrong. I think it was like the intention that was in your mind. Yeah. Going through that. But don't we all do that like subconsciously? We do not. What's up, ugly? Yeah. Really? No. Wow. Never. Not to tell. I will say that to their face. Yeah. Because you know, that's better. You know how that's better? Because it's like the way that you say, but you wouldn't text a man. What? You wouldn't text a man. What would I text? Well, I text this nigga all the time. OK, so I'm trying to get what I'm trying to get to. It's made all the time. But what are you saying? OK, no, you say. No. OK, so like when you When you're in front of people, because I've seen you, you get crazy. You say some wild ass stuff. You show your ass. For real. You do. My ass is. You actually physically show your ass, not figuratively. I've shown my ass like two, three times in my life. That's crazy. For what? When? I mean. That's not the topic of discussion right now. I got it now. Okay. So last week, right? Get at it. I go with my boy Rod. He was on the podcast. Are you serious? We're looking for Ethan for some show, right? Yeah. So we go downstairs and we open his room. This man in his box here with his shit like his cheeks facing us halfway down. Sagging. Oh, yeah. Sagging his boxes with his jams out while he's putting on lotion. And he's like, yeah, I heard your fat ass is coming down the stairs. I had to get ready for you. It was like, what the fuck? That never happened. He's got that is that never. No, no, I'm inclined to believe that. I was going to be everywhere. This right here. No, no, keep it. honest you know Rod do not come over stay in your place Rod damn just for the record to confirm Rod has confirmed Ethan what were we talking about? no there's nothing wrong with texting other men but there's something wrong preparing your ass for two other men for sure why is y'all on this topic right now? we're not it's just it's really curious to be honest it's really curious No, it's crazy how that never happens. I don't know. We have two people confirming. Yeah, it's like so. Hey, bro, all I'm hearing is conspiracies. OK, all right. We'll let it will drop it. But I do want to take a picture. I got a picture of my why would they? Exactly. Why would they? Could you also take so that it has? You know, y'all are wilding right now. I would like to revisit this topic. I really do, because I think we should dig into that. I think we should pause. Pause. But but we need to play every time we say pause during this walkout. Because there's no need. There's no need. Anyway, anyway, there's nothing wrong with texting your homies. I'm just saying that I don't like texting people that much. I'd rather say some shit in person because I like context is very hard to get through messages, in my opinion. That's what I like. That's fair. These even I don't even like using the mojis. Oh, I'm a big stuff for you. More just to be honest. I really just a big reason you would use it. Moji to confirm. Yeah, absolutely. I am into your market. You ain't been talking, bro. No, I mean, he's listening. He's really into it. Yeah, we need some we need some part. What is your input on this? Do you think? Yeah, facts. What is I write? I started to you or do you think I should have did what would you have done? No, let's start off his steps Marcus. Do you do you or do you not use emojis? Oh, no I use emojis a lot like whenever I take you have like It's like two emotions at any given moment. So yeah, but people like turn to different people behind the screen Yeah, he could be one of them niggas. They get behind they start to text and they like they like he turned the Kevin Gates I No, absolutely not. No, you only use emojis when texting women because that's so only relevance there is to like. So I can't text you an emoji or you can't do I won't respond with an emoji. If I'm laughing, you send me and I send an emoji. I'm wrong. No, but that's good. That's what I'm saying. Okay, so like you're subconsciously doing the same thing that I was doing. It's like I said, what's up ugly. You know, saying, oh, damn, you ugly as hell. Like that's really what I said. I separate the category between texting women and men. But that's what I'm saying. The motivation is the same. Right. Like, basically, it's like, no, I don't think about. We were watching. Why don't you say more to Ethan? Wait, wait, this thing is that I don't think about anything without text men. What does that mean? I separate the categories when text play as in like, how is it whenever I text specifically men, dudes, friends, you just turn your brain off. You're signing contracts. Usually it's a thoughts run free. And he's like, yeah, I need to start interrupting this man. So Marcus, keep talking, please. I am beyond interested about what you're about to say right now. There's nothing interesting about what I'm about to say. It is to you. No, it isn't. Usually the only reason why I text you fools is because I have a question that needs me answered. What's the last time you asked me a question through text? Pull out your phone right now. Are you sure? In the meantime, you know, you can say no, Marcus, you can say no, no. He already made his decision, bro. You want to influence him? I'm not influencing anything. I'm just standing up. You're standing up for him. I'm sitting. I'm not standing up for anybody. I'm just saying I'm standing up right now. You say right now I'm standing up. You literally said now. Shut up. Shut up. I. Why we wait for this man to pull out something that doesn't exist? Yo today's right doesn't exist because my phone got anyway like I was saying today is labor day Yeah, don't take today is labor day. How y'all how y'all usually celebrate labor day? I don't celebrate holidays Rose like at all. No, no, not even my birthday. Christmas kwanza. Well, your birthday's not holiday. That's one What i'm saying like I don't celebrate like any like yeah, but i'm trying to tell you Okay, yeah, that's how we started Yo, I feel like I've been talking to y'all for an hour and it's been like what 15 minutes? 17. I mean that's good though. That's what happens when you're chatting, right? No, it's the hell with you talking. You talk a lot. What? You have a lot of words. You have a lot of words. Yeah, a lot of words. Nah, not for nothing. L-O-M-O-N-O-P, you've been chatting bro. The first 10 minutes of this podcast has been me, pretty much. What? The first 10 minutes of this has been me. I think we've had a series back and forth. I'm trying to get Marcus in here. No, I'm saying been me in terms of the topic. Talk about Labor Day, but yeah, you know, you know, celebrate. Yeah, I'll celebrate. Because you know me, I'm from New York. I'll be on the parkway. You know what I'm saying? That's not true. Actually, my mom be cute being the house. OK, you see, I moved out the house like 21, 21. No, a while ago. What? Like 23, 24. Oh, what? When did you move out of the house? 17, 2017. OK. Out the crib. OK. What's up? When did you move out of the house? Probably the same time, honestly. When I was 19. You were 19? 2016. 2016. Oh, no, he's a little older. He's a little older. Yes. Oh, really? You move out the house. You go to college. Yeah, I went to college. Idiot. Yeah. How was he 80 for going to college? So a black man further in his education. You know, you're right. No, it's a dumb mistake. You know, it's a waste of money following the crowd. I don't see you would have to waste money for me, too. I was right. Why? Yeah, you didn't go to college. Don't go to college on the other day. No, I didn't want to cry. OK, right. Straight out. Why didn't you? What? Why didn't you? Because I was I was a dickhead. If I were you, I want to if I want to college. I would say you are and see I'm gonna step over that because I'm a bigger person you know sure but for real for the reason I didn't go to college I knew I was just gonna waste bread my fuck around and like do the whole like the whole fucking dance what do you do now though what I make money while doing while fucking around and do a dick okay yeah okay yeah it's a difference I'm not in debt You would have been in debt. That's crazy. Yeah, yeah, you would have. I'm in stupid debt. Are you stupid? It's not like stupid. It's more than five thousand dollars. Yes, yes, yes. That's stupid. Yeah. What do you count as debt, though? You're not counting your car or loan. Car cars, the loans. What? How much are you having student loans? I think like 30 grand right now. 30 G's is crazy. But honestly, not as it's kind of average. 30 G's. Yes. I'm not trying to like explain the bank. I mean, you've got like I have enough to pay for it. Yeah, but you're doing payments, right? Yeah. I mean, that's it. the best way to do it. It's the best way to do it. Because if you don't, then my credit would just plummet. Yeah, yeah. Hey, real quick, what's everyone's credit score? Over here. Everyone's credit score? You know who I am? No, that's not what I asked. That's what I asked. Why don't we just get real close? Why don't we just get close? I'm trying to know my shit. I'm just trying to, I mean, which I'm just trying to go in. That's what I'm asking. I had a couple projects I wanted to get up. I thought we were trying to start something here. Start what? I don't know, business or something like that. Business? Yeah, if you're not trying to start a problem, you can just start. I'm cosigning here. Yeah, yeah. Is there a legal way? It's a land of opportunity. Tijuana, everyone knows that. Everyone knows that. Have you not heard that? I've never heard anybody talk about Tijuana one. You gotta get your ears in the streets. You gotta get your ears in the streets, guys. You gotta get out there. Where is God in this conversation? What are you about to talk about as far as Tijuana goes? I've never heard anything decent come out of anyone's mouth when they talk about Tijuana. People from Tijuana love Tijuana. Well, I understand that. I don't remember talking to people from Tijuana like that. Well, you need to get culture. That's all that sounds like. Tijuana. You need more... It's how it's fire. That's fair. It's fair. Tijuana. I'm not gonna do that. But, no, for real, Tijuana's good. Tijuana's a good place. You should go. You ever been there? Never. You ever been to Tijuana? I've never been to Tijuana. Has anybody at this table ever been to Tijuana? No, no. I know that's south. It is that is south from here. Yeah, that's how it was in most of America. I think it's how I meant directly. Yeah. We're in Alaska right now. This is where the speaking of travel. Have you ever been outside the country? Oh, I want I want to so badly. You know, I know. Now you're bugging. I've never been outside the states. I crazy. But you're you guys. I mean, you know, outside the state, you have a reason. Yeah After what you told me about I mean how y'all get down here Bahamas No, but you step off. You stepped off the crew. Let's not talk about work. You stepped off the cruise boat when you went to the Bahamas, right? Yeah. Yeah, but it doesn't count. If you're a tourist somewhere and you're being a tourist, like you're going to a touristy spot, then that's used. No, that doesn't change the fact that I'm not real. I'm listening. I'm saying, I'm not American soil. No, no, no. But I'm saying as far as like the essence of what you were doing, like you weren't really getting Bahamian behavior. Yeah, Bahamian culture. You know what I'm saying? We're getting the question then. Yeah. So that means that you expect us as hoodlums to go outside to a different country. To go into the streets of whatever country you go for to experience the culture. Yeah, with nothing? Just raw. Yeah, for sure. No, that's, that means, no, for real. Like that's, that, I mean, obviously don't look for like, I wouldn't go to, I guess, you don't have to. I wouldn't go to like maybe certain cities like that I know are dangerous, certain parts of town that I know are dangerous. And that doesn't make sense if I don't know anybody over there. What reason do I have to be over there? Food? You never know if food's not that important. But like what I'm saying is as far as like getting this man is bugging, getting a cultural experience, I think it's important. I mean, sincerely, I feel like if you're going to go outside of the country, actually like go because how many times do you hear people like, oh, I went to Jamaica. And they're like, and I'm like, all right, cool. Would you learn it like smoke? They don't have. They smoke. All they do is smoke. That's not all of Jamaican culture. We know that. Yes, they can't even tell you one like one like phrase and pathway or something like that. It's like you spent a week in another country. You didn't learn anything. I went to Madrid. I am well I already knew some Spanish like to my days at a cup today. I'm saying okay, but that's I mean, that's pretty good Yeah, yeah, okay. You know what that means. That means your mom's the helicopter Why do you all that you have an entire language that you behest and you only know that one phrase? I don't only know that that's what's my favorite phrase. Why because it makes no sense and I love it I mean it makes sense contextually if you say to you know when you're saying it Yeah not the word just the word helicopter or has like some history with me because I had a I had a Spanish friend when I was like going through school and then she She heard me say that shit and I was like, oh no, she was like she was a hell there's nowhere That's how you say helicopter in Spanish. She was Mexican Yeah, how do you okay? Because I think I have like a mini gambling problem. We're not gonna address that right now I said bet me five dollars and she did and I won you won. Yeah, so now that word has gotten me five dollars It's forever in my heart So but do you think that's like a dominance thing for you? Like you were like dominance. Yeah. Do you think that you were where that was coming from? Like you needed to win that? I didn't need for example, if she was not a Mexican person, do you think that you it would feel as like you think you'd be telling me this story right now? Or is it if I did not win five dollars, I wouldn't be telling you this story right now. Oh, yeah, yeah. We should talk about that. We should dive in. And I say, you have a did you have a gambling problem before? I don't have a gambling problem. I didn't go to college. I've listened to me, bro. I'm over here. I'm just gonna straight chat in the whole time. That's fine, that's fine, that's fine. OK, no, but I still I stand by what I said. So you went to another country, you say, but you were a tourist. Yes. And you came on a cruise. It wasn't like you went on your own accord. It'd be different, even a little bit more different if you went like to a plane. You took a cruise. So a cruise is just like another piece of America. And so what's the difference between taking a plane and taking a boat? Like, I know there's mad people that travel. We're taking a cruise is way different. I can sleep through apply every time I go on. Every time I fly, I try to take like two Benadryls and knock my ass out. So I hate flying. Yeah. I mean, this is. thing on the boat or you could take two Benadryls and be passed the fuck out. It takes several days to get to your location. You sleeping through like you got a coma. You're going to go into a coma on the cruise. Have you been on the cruise? Yeah. OK. Well, what is yes. No, no, no. So you have no idea. You have no idea what you're talking about. He's had four shorts. There's a lot of accommodations. What did you do with the Bahamas? Because you all we know is that you went there. You just touch a dolphin or something like that. I was with my family, so we didn't actually do anything. Exactly. Only prove my point. Yeah. Right. We stay with them like the. How many Bahamian women or people? I was 15 during time, so I can't do 15. I don't know what that means. It's like the. I was 15 at the time. I couldn't say he was fit. OK, OK. Like, what can you do? You're a teenager. You didn't go out. That's not about my mom. Not for me. Yeah, why not? That's the parents. Yeah. They're pretty strict. That's fair, because on a cruise, you have to be back in like a couple of hours. Maybe you might get lost. I don't think so. I've never been on a cruise. You can't get lost on a on the ship. Some cruises take you to a different place and they like, you know, here's your day and a half adventure. Go ahead and do what you got to do. That's true. Yeah. But when you get there, that's a different story. What food did you eat in Bahamas? I'm sticking on the Bahamas thing. I'm sorry. But like, I just want to know, like name a Bahamian dish, the Hamian. I can't say because I only had like red snapper scallops and snappers. That's Caribbean. That's curious. All right. Cool. Yeah. I mean, that's like the only when I think of all the other burgers. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. So my point is so they take it to like a resort and you just stayed like mostly on that resort area. Yeah. It's actually not. If you say that you go to another country and all you did was stay at a resort, not knocking you I'm just saying for anybody who's listening to this. No, no, I agree wholeheartedly. OK. I know that was like, I don't know. I disagree. But you disagree. If you say the just stay with the resort. Well, he's talking about like it's more like learn the culture standpoint. You know, I mean, every resort that I've ever been to culture apart from the so I mean sure but you know you know what it is I understand what you're saying right it's like you go to a certain place like for a certain destination to relax right like yeah people go to mexico to go to cancun because that's like the biggest resort i'm just saying like okay why you why do that yeah i don't know what was so funny about that shit i want to know because i know i think it's funny it was funny to me because you said people go to mexico to go to cancun which is still mexico yeah For the reason of Cancun you go to Mexico. I understand. I get it. It was just funny to me. Anyways. So like, there's... Resorts in the United States, right? Yeah, of course, but they're not gonna compare it to a different vibe someplace else no matter how Tourist see that area has become like you still have like some culture at least a little bit there Okay, like most of them are not gonna talk to you or like try to talk to you in English But a lot of them speak Spanish or like they still have like a vencisha. I think that you I Think that you have in any resort or any touristy thing you're gonna have just by nature of where it's located of the culture that place is located. However, we can't lie and act like a lot of cultures. I can lie for sure, but continue. I think we can't deny that it's, a lot of the world's cultures sort of kind of conform and cater to the idea that Western culture, specifically American culture, has about their country or culture. So if I go to like, I don't know, even like a state in America, like Hawaii, right. People go to Hawaii to vacation sometimes. And I'm sure if you go to Hawaii, there are things that are there that like we would call Hawaiian, but actually probably aren't even near their culture. It's just maybe a little we get the fringes of it because they know that that's what we like as Americans, you know, or as like the as Maine Islanders, you know what I'm saying? So that's what I think is true for like a lot of I think a lot of resort places. But even if you go to Hawaii, like you could still like Island up to like the other. Yeah, that's not staying at the resort. And that's my point. I feel like. Listen, because there are some islands that are part of Hawaii that you cannot legally go because the people there are they're like indigenous. You know what I'm saying? And so, yeah. And so if you if you go there, like those people will kill you. That's like a thing. I feel like that's I don't know. It's a thing. You can look it up for it. It makes sense if it's like, you know, Central America. Sure, sure, sure. No, it's a it's a thing. saying this confidently, but I heard it on another podcast. No, but I know for a for a for a so it's a well. But what I'm getting at is like there's just people there. They're protected people. So obviously you can't you wouldn't you wouldn't go there towards or not. You know, supposed to go there. But I do think it's important to hop around. If you go to the Bahamas, if you go to Jamaica, you go to Angola. You should look around, you know, go safely because you don't want to disrespect somebody and get killed to find out. Yeah, you definitely don't want that. But. I mean, what is the point of living if you're only going to get one perspective of the world? And if that perspective is through the lens of like your own ethnocentric, like idea ideology, it's not really worth it. It's an ethno psych. That's a word of the day for me. You know, it's like if you wait, where you come from. That's how you see in the world. Like you inevitably you can't see the world anyway, other than how you see it. But if you never try to distill it, like try to filter it through another lens, try to see the actual cultures that you're immersing or diving into, like even for a vacation. It's like a waste of a trip to me. I don't know. I'd rather go backpacking through some island than be at a resort city in a pool watching water. So you never take a trip to just like unwind and like that's different. Be like they that's different. That's like that's different. Yeah, because I feel like if I'm not I'm just use the Hawaii example. If I take a trip to Hawaii and I've been working O.D. Like I'm not here to like fucking be like an archaeologist or like I'm just here to like sit by the pool, drink a match. No, that's it. And then this is gonna sound crazy, but watch some hula dances and some shit. Yeah, no, for real. But yeah, or like when I go to some people go to Europe for some for some reason, for some god knows. And like, you know, I'm just trying to wall out in those German orgies. It's the truth. Yeah, you ever seen that movie Euro Trip? No. Oh, it's a crazy movie. It's like one of those American pod type movies. I think that's why I think that is sexual. I'll be confused in sex drive with pineapple express all the same. Same almost like the energy is the same. But yeah, I have to do classes. Yeah. Childhood James. I was actually I should do that. I was sex drive. Sex drive. Sex drive. It's an interesting movie. Yeah, I know I've seen this like an Amish person in it, right? Yes. Green. Yeah. He's a you know, the redhead dude. Like chicken. Yeah. I know. Yeah. Seth Green is the guy. He's funny, man. I love suffering. I both all those who have been outside the country. I remember like our first trip. You said we talked a lot about the Bahamas. Does he count? What? I thought we I thought we just qualified. I was just saying we talked a lot about his thing. I went outside the country. So technically, yes. My one to one who are from Seoul. Yeah. Well, I don't know about that. He be traveling with you. Maybe you were. What country do you go to? Have you gone to actually before? So like including. Like deployments or just like, you know, you don't have to mention. So. I'm not counting Japan. Okay. Cause it was like whatever. But Dominican Republic of course. Yeah, sure. I've been to Puerto Rico. I've been to a side of Haiti, which is still a different country. Yeah, yeah, that counts. That's different. Yeah, I'm not diving into that. If you go to Mexico, you go to Mexico. I'm not diving into Mexico. If you go to Mexico, you go to Mexico. It's the same thing, but I understand why. Shout out to Haiti. But also like, California. which is, I don't know. You said what? Baja California, which is considered like Mexico, right? I don't know. I would've considered that, but that's just me. I'm a hater. Okay. Yeah, I've been to Spain, and I've been to France. Okay. Which was the first place? Oh, and Canada. Canada doesn't count. Canada is just a diet. Canada is just a diet America. No, it's a diet England. Are we just saying should we like step foot in? Huh? Yes. I like. Yeah, kind of. But I do want to acknowledge Canada is just Diet England and maybe upstairs United States. No, I stole it. Well, no, I spent a lot of time in Toronto when I was younger. I think the same as New York. I feel like Toronto, honestly, as far as they know. Saying that's why if you've been to London, it's literally about that diverse. How do you notice you live in a certain country? I study. You do. You do like a student's individual. I look like you be talking about a bunch of like. things. We got a lot of potpourri. Just this. Yeah. That's another word. It's a flower. Potpourri. No, I think you're talking about a peony. Peony. That is also a flower. I thought potpourri is like a type of like herb. or some nonsense like that. I don't know. Anyway, we're not talking about PNEs. We're talking about that. We're not talking about BNEs. We talk about the country. Yeah. We talk about BDSM. Nah, I'm sorry. I'm sorry from the feet demon himself. So proclaiming me Adam, let me Adam. What size? What? Yo, come on. You are. Again, you got us. We looking toast though. Yeah, 100 percent. What? Is this what we go? We don't. We don't have to do that. But I do want to say, yeah. I think we all do. We all do what? We all need to do what? Lictose? London is a good place. I think London is okay. And upstairs, United States, that's it. What if a Canadian is like, listen, it is on. I have a Canadian sister. What if she like, here's like travels miles to just smack the shit out of you just because you said that? I guess it'd be a sad day for me. It'd be a sad day for you. I like that kind of thing. That's what I'm saying. You just brought a BDSM. I'm talking about a smacking. Yeah, I'm into that. Yeah, I'm into it. Did she have like Canadian bacon in her hand or Canadian? OK, you know what I'm saying? I'm done with this. If your sister comes and smacks me with like a packet of Canadian bacon. Yeah, sure. 100 percent. I'm area probably. I like that. into it. So you're saying you travel outside. You know, you do have a crazy face. No, you do have a crazy face. Oh, but you're saying that you have traveled or you have. You have like a destination of mine, like we want to go to where I want to go. Well, yeah, what could just going to be the one that pops your cherry? What? I don't know why I said it like that. Wow. Yeah. Now, what's going to be your first though? You can try to make a special when I when I break that, trying to get like a when I break the walls down, the break. No, you're not breaking the walls down. Your walls getting broken down. Well, my and you're expanding your territory, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. You stretching out across like different horizons. OK, I like this. I feel like I'm getting. Stressed? Not for real for real. Man, I don't know. I would I would want it to be a culture that I wanted to be a culture that I. that I'm familiar with. So maybe a Spanish speaking culture, probably first Puerto Rico or it's not a country, but, you know, Puerto Rico, Dominican, somewhere like that. So you this United States, though, I literally just said, I literally said what Dominicans now, but I literally said the Puerto Rico is a US territory. You know, so when you get in the pool, do you like dip your big toe in the pool and then like, oh, I don't get in the pool, man. When you're in water in general. No, no, I'm saying like I don't like it. Like see, I was like, how would I do it? I was at the beach there and then it was cold. It was hot outside. Yeah, the water is cold, right? It's the Pacific. So I'm like, all right. My mindset is I'm just running there. I'm running the water, get my body in, get used to it. Then I'm Gucci for the entire time in there, right? That sounds OK. I'm going somewhere. Just trust me, man. So it's been like on a tangent. So when you when you get in the water, do you like dip your toe in, like slowly walk in or do you like just rush in and put your body in there? I'll say I did my toe in. That sounds way too sensitive. I put my foot in first. You put your foot in. at a time that you got to jump in. No, no, because here's what happens. That's how you end up with a second belly button. OK, you know what I'm talking about? Well, I'm not. I'm not. That's what happens if you go into quickly. You know, and there was a second belly button. I don't want that. So the reason I bring that up and go in that entire car, I'm just saying it's a truth. We know the reason I bring that up. You talk about that. You want to go to a different country. And you what you talk about is dipping your toe in right now. You talk about going to Puerto Rico. So you're already familiar with launches. Go to even if you want some Spanish country, Why don't you go to like Barcelona like that somewhere like far aside not just or your friends of the party in the summertime If not Greece speak English I like to I guess I'm pretty cautious and I like familiar I like familiarity Yeah, I like familiarity and I like to become accustomed with thing I don't like going into something not having a little bit of knowledge about a thing like for For example, I watch anime, but I wouldn't go to Japan first. Not saying that Japan is not a nice country or something like that to go to, just I would want a little bit more understanding of the culture, maybe a couple phrases I would learn. Some things that I actually understand. Because how much of an asshole do you look like if you go up to some Japanese person and start talking about My Hero Academia? Well, why would you do that? I'm saying what else do you have to talk about? What else do you have to talk about? Sushi? What's up? What else do you have to talk about? When they talk about Japan, when people bring up Japan, slow down, slow down. When people talk about Japan, when people that you know that here in America talk to you about Japanese culture, what's the first thing that comes to their mouth? Either sushi or anime. Those are the only two things that I've ever heard. I'm gonna talk about it for me personally. Whenever I talk to people about anything doing with dealing with Japan, it's always about sushi or anime. Talk with this so fucking I guess. I guess so for me, we both like, right? Yes. So you come to know me. We talk about like fried chicken and shit. I'm saying I'm saying that I feel like that's how a lot of tourists approach us, why people don't like American tourists, especially because we kind of obviously we but like Americans come in with that sort of like it's inconsiderate. You know, you could just solve all that by just not doing that shit. I know. That's why I'm saying I would rather go to a country I'm familiar with first. You asked me the question. Wait, but how can you get familiar with some place you've never been to? You study at least. Okay. And that's the whole point of like traveling in general. You don't want to go in like, you know that there's not the native language for everywhere is not English. So why would you go? I promise you anybody that has ever been to the yard just chillin with Dominicans. Be going for BBL. So And that's the truth. Shout out to all the doctors out there. You don't have to say nah, they be wildin'. They be getting at it though. They be, when it hits, it hits. When it don't, there's some coughing going on. But that's true for any, that's true for all surgery, I think. So I'm a DR, DR surgeon. People in Venezuela have the best, have some of the best in DR, I would say. And then Florida. Florida's a close. You know BBOs about the country they get put in? No, Venezuela has an entire culture about like, modeling. Yeah, so I can only imagine this is like I'm extrapolating but I'm guessing how the fuck you know this There's like documentaries on this. I don't know. I'm saying like, like Venezuela, because they don't, I don't think they have anything to do like men and women, they really compete. They don't. They're dirt poor. They're corrupt. They have a curfew. They're doing awful. So what else is it? They're doing awful. So what are they? What else would you have to do? But the model. I mean, or play soccer, maybe make music. Yeah, some of the best music, some of the best rappers. That is extremely hot. Take that take is hot in this room. It's the truth. It's the truth. I don't think that's like saying like anybody in the hood trapping your best bro. Hop on. You must give it a shot. Give it a shot, man. No, but for real, seriously, some of the best rappers come out of Venezuela. Come on. Ereke. Good artist, black dude with locks, cool artist. Apache, I wanna say. Resident is from a I want to say he's from. What did you research into Venezuela? Are you are you? I just I'm familiar with Hispanic culture to a degree. So like I like that. So I like Caribbean Spanish enough where I wouldn't I would. Spain wouldn't be my first Spanish speaking country I would go to. You know what I'm saying? I would rather go to someone like Puerto Rico, U.S. territory, but Dominican. So like Caribbean somewhere, I feel like I'm familiar with the culture a little more. And then when I decided to go to Spain, I was like, like Marcus is kind of like alluded to, like I would go out, study for us, maybe like maybe a month before I go to the thing just to make sure like whatever I'm not. I don't want to be an asshole. I think you already like studied a lot. Yeah, a lot more than most people. Yes. I don't know, man. I like to be a massive as much things and many things as possible for you, man. Yeah, that's me. Well, a jack of all trades is a mess. So that's why I said I'd like to be a master. Yeah, but you can't. Well, you got to hear what I said. I'm not a jack of all trades. You are. You are a jack of all trades. Yeah, so you have like a little bit of knowledge and everything. If I tried to master a couple of things and then I. You try to dip your toes into everything. I'm not. But you know what I'm saying? Oh, geez. So I'm not trying to dip my toes. What's that? Don't ever. All right, man. Anyway, cultures, countries. First country I would visit, honestly, Tanzania. As every. Yep. East, South Africa. I would go to Tanzania or maybe Ghana. Those are two places. Well, I really want to go to Cape Town. Cape Town is nice here. There's a festival. I saw I saw a tick tock sign was like five African countries that are like administering citizenship to people of African descent. And so I know Ghana is one of them. Yeah, I think Kenya was one of them as well. Yeah. They got me thinking Kenya's beautiful to her. Yeah. I think about moving outside the U.S. and like what I would just like to retire somewhere. You know, like bricks for a layman's. Yeah. This is good. I'm glad that I'm on this. I should. I'm glad you're here, too. You should. Yes. He definitely can be both. Now is it time to have time to do a vote on who could stay on the island? Oh, there is no. You share with me and everybody else, everybody else. But for me as well, I'm getting I'm getting that. I'm getting that. You get it. All right. As long as you understand, I was going to slide slightly over just like a half inch just to get myself some space and time. No, but you didn't answer Ethan's question about the first country. Do you remember the first country that you visited? Yeah, I mean, it was, of course, DR. I was probably like. I think the earliest I remember was like. That's like going home, right? Don't you think? I mean, that's honestly the same thing for me, too. My family's Dominica. Yeah. And the less the lesser they are. It's the not the right. OK, it's the one south of the one that everyone thinks that you're talking about the other day. Actually, aren't I do I explain myself a lot, but that is enough. How many stories do you catch from these stories? Yeah. How many stories? I was like, when you say when you say when you say you're from the minute you're from Dominica, Dominica. Da, mi, ni, ga. OK, so when you're from that place, when you're from that not Dominican Republic, how many strays do you catch culturally? When people see you, they're like, oh, OK, so you guys are the better one. Or what? Do you ever get comparisons? I was having a conversation like this the other day. It's going to sound completely unrelated. I think it was people talking about who's called me that hard R to my face, or just called me like, I'm not my homie. Oh, so you had the same structure of the conversation. no one has ever came up to me or like had the gall. Yeah, you're pretty black. To say, I agree. I'm scared. What? Can you see me right now? We in the dark. I can't see you. I can only see your eyes and your teeth. But like no one that is crazy. I'm scared. Skipping when you go back to editing make sure you take notes how many skills Yeah, no one's ever came to me like oh so you're like they've definitely brought up like oh Dominican Republic cuz they don't know any better You know had like a Haitian like come up and say fuck you just Shouts out the white clothes. All right cool. Oh, yeah. So anyways Yeah, I was like probably like in the fourth fifth grade Cuz I would distinctively remember like how much like you know like we all play games. I would play baseball and shit like that To be honest with you. We all as we hear the Are you talking about like as kids like you play like I never played baseball. I thought it's Dominican. I thought you were saying like, you know how we all like Dominicans play baseball. So you absolutely know absolutely outside. So anyway, you know, I remember going out over there and just playing baseball and these like kids were just. launching that shit out. And I was like, bro, I really suck. And then we started playing all these random games because all of that is just the countryside. So you play on a lot of paved down roads and shit like that. And it was just having fun. And it was the most amount of fun that I had compared to playing outside in the city. Yeah. I just like that. What do you think that is? Do you think it's because it's maybe a little more culturally familiar, perhaps? He was like five years old. So he's fourth grade, like nine. I heard I heard four or five, not fourth, fifth grade. OK, well, nine years old. Yeah. So like, you know, what I'm saying is like, like when you when you go home, you're in a Dominican household. Right. Yeah. So is that do you feel like maybe being you feel like maybe being in Dominican? It was like a little bit like that. Like, wow, it's like being at home, but like everywhere I go. No, not really, because like people adapt no matter where they go. So like no matter like how Dominican they are or how whatever the fuck like they're still going to have some other traditions So do you feel more home and you go like when you travel and visit DR? Do you feel more home and you travel to like New York where you're from right? To be honest with you. It just depends on who's there So like you talk to where people are home is what people you love is that yeah? Cuz I travel so much like been to a lot of different states and shit like that like because I'm always visiting people So it just depends on who am I chilling with at the end of the day. What is your favorite? Which is your favorite has been like if you could rank top three top three places, states and countries included. So top three, I will say the or with my cousins, because that shit is like undefeated because you go there like on vacation. Well, if you went to Texas with your cousins, I feel like that would be also the same thing. I know it depends. No, no, no. You probably know a lot more things. The like I went to Canada with my family. Yeah. I'm going to cut you off to go on a tangent. But yeah, if you ever heard of Carabana, it's like the yeah. Yeah. Biggest Caribbean in the North America period. And it's been a minute. You can see it, you can see it across the water. Just. On Niagara Falls shit. No, I'm like the I think the Detroit River, because that's where I'm from. You can see it. You can see a whole I think. Yeah, that's what I'm looking at every time. It's a nice while. That's crazy. I was in Toronto, so I was a little bit more east, but they probably do celebrate like all across Canada. Yeah. Anyway, yeah, I was my first the first time seeing like my father side of the family for a minute. It's been like 10 years plus. And then in my adult life, I've never hung out with them. It was like 13 years I've seen him. And bro, they was wild and just like, I'll be wild. And it was the most it was the greatest time Would you with your family? Yeah, I was surrounded by family surrounded by people all over see like that Yeah, that felt like home to me. Yeah, like I said, like it's just honestly depends on like where you go like DR I feel like Obviously, I don't know if it's considered a third world country Yeah, but anyways Seen the video Anyways, sorry. Nah. Anyways, Haley, we also care about you. No, continue, continue. Just continue on with the story. It's just like the limitation that you have. Cause you could drive like at 15, like with no license, like, what the fuck. And no one would stop you. Nobody would care. That's third world. For the record, that's third world. Yes, what we need. Well, you could do that in America, wait, with no license? With no license. You could also do that anywhere. No, you cannot. By yourself? No, you cannot. Absolutely not. No, whatever you want. Okay. Just as an example, like you could send kids to go get cigarettes for your mom. I don't think we should be putting out this information. I feel like you should be able to do that in America, but I just have to say, yeah, yeah. But you don't seem like you're just like, not like that specifically. It's just like nobody cares as long as you're safe about it. Yeah, I see. That's all that matters. A 15 year old with no just drugs is driving around. No, we can you drink over it? What's the bio by our side story? So it was like I just came from the R.A. and we was at the river chilling for my cousin's like birthday party, whatever. And we seem like this kid cannot be like more than eight years old. riding a donkey across the river, just spanking that shit. I like the way you say donkey. It's like, I need to fuck up. And all he was saying was like, yo, hurry up. Obviously in Spanish, but in translation, he's like, yo, come on. He was like, yo, let's go, let's go. We gotta go pick up some shit. And then all of my cousins were laughing. We were like, yo, there's kids that's eight years old don't wanna do shit, don't wanna do homework. These kids are just working. Working, yeah. Yeah, it's a different environment, 100%. Completely different. I like that. You say what, you wish? I wish I grew up like that. Do you wish you could live in Dominica? Well, Dominica, I lived out there till I was like four or five. Then I came back to America because I'm like an anchor baby. Me and my brothers. Like you hold your parents back. Type shit. What? No, please repeat yourself. I said that you held your parents back. Type shit. Oh, 100 percent the opposite. But that and I will feel for that's like when immigrant this is the rock to a term, I think. But it's one like an immigrant would like come to America. And then like after they would have a child and that child, if it's born in American soil, it is a United States citizen. Oh, OK. So so instead of stealing your parents' dreams, you were the backbone of it. I was a bag. I mean, I was a kid. I think I might have been a mistake. Who knows? Then that was an accident. But I was still one of the babies and I'm saying, oh, maybe they maybe they misplanned maybe they because Dominique is probably like a third Probably third. So it's one of the poorest countries in the Caribbean. It's third world. So what I'm thinking is maybe your parents had the plan to have six kids and they got to America. Oh, we don't need more than like two. I don't think you need more than one. No, but I'm saying in their mind, when they came over, we got baby, I get on it right now. And then they had you and that was you were definitely an accident. Like they realized midway through like, oh, we don't need more than. I know you don't want to think about my parents talk about getting on nothing. It's OK. It happens. It's natural. How do you think you saw what? James is a nice man. I thought my name was Ethan, but OK. OK, anyways. Yeah. Too furtive. Anyway, yeah. Yeah, third world countries is lit. There's not a third. But. Another year. We're trying to wrap it up. Yeah, trying to wrap it up. I guess I apologize in advance for my mic. And it's just fucking up. But fuck it, whatever. We just here. Anyways, my boy, elemental piece. I was up. Yeah, I took his mic just to give this outro. But I love you guys. Hope you guys enjoyed this episode of simply chatting. Like I said, every single episode before this, if you guys have any comments like want to tell us like any topics you guys want us to talk about or just get our view or just continue doing what we do. Yeah, it's gonna be a lot of channel until y'all start communicating. Don't be shocked because we just some niggas talking in a room Wow, I think it was a very strong we just some grown black men. There's a lot of black men in this room Okay, so anyways, thank you for another episode of some chatting black guys Yo, shut up Hope you guys enjoyed it till next time